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iBCS Paper 1: Principles and Framework of an Inhalation-Based BCS has Published!


This is the first article in a planned series describing the development and utilization of an inhalation-based BCS. This first article provides an overview of the basic scientific principles of a proposed iBCS and the framework needed to accommodate pulmonary drug delivery. The classification of a pulmonary drug or drug candidate using an iBCS approach is envisioned to ultimately provide an understanding of the technical as well as clinical risks associated with the development of an inhaled drug and it will also provide guideposts that discovery chemists can use for selecting inhalation drug candidates.
This publication and those that will follow in the series are the product of a project supported by PQRI (https://pqri.org/).
Enjoy - especially since it is Open Access!!!

Link: https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.molpharmaceut.2c00113